No more

I'm using a few development servers over SSH, and for that I have used myEntunnel to tunnel a few remote ports to my local machine. When I screw up my configuration or forget to start myEntunnel, Firefox is "smart enough" to change "localhost:9090" into "" when it can't reach the local port.

More people are having this problem, and apparently there is a configuration trick to stop Firefox from adding "www" and "com" to the URL when it can't reach the site. Read more about it at the latenightpc blog.

In FireFox 2, do the following:

  1. Type **about:config** in the address bar and hit return.
  2. find **browser.fixup.alternate.enabled**
  3. double click the "true" value. The line will become bold, and the value will change to "false"

That's it. Happy browsing!