The Useless Machine

The past year, you may have seen me tweeting some "#secretproject" tweets. Last week, the project was finally revealed, and here is the video, in case you've missed it:


This is what is known on the internet as a "Useless Machine" or "Leave-me-alone Box". In case you want to make one, there are plenty of instructions online. I think you can build a basic version of this in about a weekend, and it will cost you less than ten euros. 

The tea box

Servo, dismantled

Servo mounted to switch

Wooden arm on the sander

Aluminum arm offset bushing in the lathe.

Arm mounted on the servo

Assembly in front of the tea box

Cutting the decorative ventilation holes

Painting sanding painting sanding painting sanding...

Assembly painted black for cool looks

Waiting for glue to set

Last minute hack: on/off switch for transport

The "Useless Machine" or "Leave me alone box"

Now go build your own. Have fun!