How to get your users to install JCE

220px-Lorenz-SZ42-2 In every Java project where I need to do strong cryptography, I run into these dreaded unreadable stacktraces which send you into the woods. After a long search I usually discover that the Unlimited Strength Java Cryptography Extensions are not installed. To prevent frustration of users of your software, you can simply add a bit of informative logging to help him/her solve it when the solution is known.

Add the following code to help your admins solve the limited cryptography problem without having to ask you:

[sourcecode language="java" padlinenumbers="true"] public static void validateJCEUnlimited() { final int unlimited = 2_147_483_647; /* 32 bit max int */

// Ciphers to check for installation of the Java // Cryptography Extension (JCE) unlimited strength // jurisdiction policy files final String[] ciphers = { "AES", "BouncyCastle", "X.509", "PKCS12", "BCPKCS12", "PKCS12-DEF", "DES", "DESEDE", "RSA", "DSA", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-512" };

for (String cipher : ciphers) { int keyLength = 0; try { keyLength = Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(cipher); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem while checking the maximum key length of cipher " + cipher + ".", e); }

if (keyLength < unlimited) {
  String msg = String.format("The maximum allowed key length for cipher %s was %d.\n" +
    "This indicates that you might not have installed the Java Cryptography \n" +
    "Extension (JCE) unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files in your JVM.\n" +
    "To do so, download these policy files at:\n\n" +
    "Java 6:\n" +
    "Java 7:\n" +
    "Java 8:\n\n" +
    "Then, copy local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar extracted from above zip file to\n" +
    "the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory.\n", cipher, keyLength);
  throw new RuntimeException(msg);

} } [/sourcecode]

Happy coding, Rolf