Just now, I had a terrible experience with my new Mac Mini. It crashed on me, two times in a row. It did this while importing a movie from a Sony Handycam with iMovie. During the import, suddenly the screen goes blank, and the machine does a "hard boot". I restarted iMovie, dragged the imported files from the …
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This is a simple followup after my last post. Pim did also look into this, and made a script which doesn't pop up finders by simply calling "mount". There is only one minor glitch: the script pops up an error when the mount already exists. With my brilliant programming expertise, I quickly solved that: try …
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With my Mac mini in a Windows LAN, I have the following problem: 1. I can add my (cifs windows) network shares to my login script (Preferences -> Accounts -> Login), but when the mac wakes up from sleep, they are gone. 2. When I want to connect to 2 shares on the same server, but one with a different account …
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Bummer, I was hoping to be able to open those wmv files I get mailed in the Quicktime window. Although OS X claims to be supporting Flip4Mac since 10.4.5 (I have 10.4.6), the Flip4Mac installer exits with a message about not being able to install on Intel based hardware.I guess I'll have to live with -gasp- Windows …
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This is probably the 1001st post about this subject, but I can't help thinking that some people actually give up on this. It is a simple protocol, simple program and should be simple to get working. I spent a few hours (!) before I finaly found the solution. I searched the internet but this answer never seems to be …
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When I used iTunes on XP, I was jealous of the terrific plugins for iTunes running on OS X. Now that I have a Mac Mini, I was looking for a plugin to update the album art automatically. Pim showed me an even better alternative: Clutter! Not only can it search and update album art automatically for you, it also gives …
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From the makers of Gran Turismo: Is this great or what? It clearly is built on the Gran Turismo 4 rendering engine, and supports everything we've come to expect from Digital Polyphony. Arcade and Trophy mode, Photoshoot mode, a bucketload of (real life) tracks, and a truck load of different bikes to choose from! Looks …
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Party today! The rotor puller I ordered last month finally arrived after being in transit for over a MONTH, "thank you" United States Parcel Services! They probably sent somebody to swim accros the ocean with my parcel on his back. Judging by the shipping costs, the swimmer had enough food luxury during his …
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I recently went to Vegas, which is a very long trip (about 20 hours including stopover). I don't like flying that much, my ears hurt and it is very boring to be crammed in a chair for 10 hours, with a headrest that makes your chin touch your chest no matter how you adjust it. However, on this flight (and the one back) …
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The big car manufacturers could have done this, but they didn't, because they are sponsored by the big oil companies. And your local governement is swimming in taxmoney that's added to your oil price. And no, they don't want to get rid of the cars, despite of what they say. The nicest thing for governements would be …
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