In our company, all Java projects are setup with Maven configuration so that after a "mvn eclipse:eclipse" any developer is generally good to go. One of these projects was a web project but would not transform into a WTP project. By running "mvn eclispe:eclipse" it became a Java project, but could …
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I was happily playing around with the appstore, and came across this funny free game called "Hedgewars". Originally a free Linux game, it apparently got ported to the Mac and put in the App Store, just as a slew of Flash-based games (yes, Steve has some 'splainin' to do). I tried to install Hedgewars on my …
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If Santa treated you particularly well this season, or you have put some of your savings to good use, chances are that you have a brand-new Drobo looking at you right now. Meanwhile, your Mac is happily making Time Machine backups to that trusty old local USB disk. So you want to use that new Drobo for Time Machine …
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I recently had a very unpleasant experience with my mobile phone. Actually, it wasn't so much my mobile phone itself, as it was the sharing of my private mobile phone number between colleagues. Seemingly harmless, but with great consequences. One of my colleagues, in his innocence and with nothing but good intentions, …
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As you may know I started working on a little tool to anonymize databases. Nothing fancy, just a Java tool that uses jdbc to replace live data with fake generated data which still looks representative enough to do testing and make believable screenshots. Oh and did I mention that it is 100% free of charge? You can get …
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When you drive a Prius (like me), and you always have your lights on (like me), you probably have been irritated by the dimmed speedometer and unreadable display in bright sunlight (like me). If you didn't read the owners manual (like me), you also probably didn't know about this trick to get the brightness back (like …
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Some people can not seperate cause and effect when solving problems, and every now and then you run into a great example. If this is your problem... this is not your solution [ ](img_8018.jpg) [!["It is not allowed to throw paper towels into the …
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I've been struggling to get routes into my Garmin Zūmo® in such a way that it matches the plans of the original author, while at the same time setting the Garmin to "recalculate" so that when I take a wrong turn, it will send me back to the track. After reading a lot on the Garmin forums, and experimenting …
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Quite often I am amazed at people's ability to miss what looks obvious to me. Not only the small things like cleaning up when you spill coffee over the floor, or washing your hands when you get off the toilet, but also bigger things. Like the silly "solutions" to the world's pollution problem for example. …
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Ok, fist of all: DO NOT DOWNLOAD WUBI 9.10 as it contains a serious GRUB2 problem which will give you some headaches if you're new to Linux. Why I'm saying this? I just ran into this GRUB2 problem while installing the new Wubi 9.10. Here's what I did: 1. Downloaded Wubi 9.10 windows installer and ran it. 2. Installer …
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