Although I am the guy with a soldering iron and a bit of software development experience, I am not a fan of the "internet of things", "smart meters" or smart anything really. Not because I don't like technology, but because of the potential security and privacy problems it brings with it. That said, …
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The Pan Rant
Dec 26, 2011 · 6 min read · anodized aluminum Cooking Cookware environment Health polished aluminum ptfe teflon technology ·You may have seen recent tweets from me ranting about my frying pans. I've ruined a few (very expensive) pans and replaced them with dirt-cheap pans which are actually much better. I would like to share my experiences and solutions with you, so that you can buy the right (cheap) pan without having to go through the …
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Here's a one minute how-to on growing catnip without having to water your plants every day. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jyqNzNeQeE]
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Some people can not seperate cause and effect when solving problems, and every now and then you run into a great example. If this is your problem... this is not your solution [ ](img_8018.jpg) [!["It is not allowed to throw paper towels into the …
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Quite often I am amazed at people's ability to miss what looks obvious to me. Not only the small things like cleaning up when you spill coffee over the floor, or washing your hands when you get off the toilet, but also bigger things. Like the silly "solutions" to the world's pollution problem for example. …
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Lately Greenpeace has started a campaign against the usage of hazardous materials by Apple. The campain setup is friendly, nicely designed and urges Apple to choose materials which are less hazadous to the environment.As a spinoff of the Greenpeace campain all kinds of so called "journalists" have begun to …
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The big car manufacturers could have done this, but they didn't, because they are sponsored by the big oil companies. And your local governement is swimming in taxmoney that's added to your oil price. And no, they don't want to get rid of the cars, despite of what they say. The nicest thing for governements would be …
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