Google calendar is the new "Cool" in the calendar world. Or at least, the guys at work seem to think so. For me, a 100% online calendar is not always a good solution, because I can't take it with me. Getting Google calendar to sync with iCal would help, because that syncs to my phone and iPod. I tried …
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The new marketing "trick" seems to be to give a product a nice name, which sounds "expensive" and "design" like. So the marketing boys come up with a nice name. Compaq for instance has been using "pressario" for a while now. But when I say that I have a "pressario", do …
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... invented for people who order size 12 pants for their size 18 butts.
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Every age has it's tools. Many, many years ago, in 1976 to be exact, squinty-eyed nerds with a social deficiency ruled the computer world. They talked to eachother in a secret code, wore geeky clothes and made sure that everybody thought that computers were magic. To make sure that nobody could ever use a computer to …
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Last week a collegue of mine did an introductory talk about RUP (Rational Unified Process). It was an interesting talk about how RUP can be applied in projects, what the philosophy is behind RUP, and lessons learned during her first RUP workshop. After the talk, we discussed how RUP looked a lot like DSDM, Agile and …
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This morning I thought I had way too much tasks, way too much paper on my desk, a messy inbox, and a cluttered schedule. Then I made a terrible mistake: try to solve this with more tools. You don't always solve "more X" with "more Y". I remembererd a discussion about ["remember the …
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Hello kids. Yes, if you are writing applications for consumer companies, there's a good chance I'm talking to you. We need to have a talk, urgently. It's about a whole new way of doing things, and it's a new word in your dictionary. The word is "secure" (linked to Webster's for your convenience. Security is a …
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Should you be in the position that you are convicted to spending 3 or 4 hours in the Dutch Alcatraz theatre program, there are a few things you should know beforehand. The photographs on the site have absolutely nothing to do with the show itself, and should not be used to judge setting or quality. The audience is not …
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Tijd om auto's in brand te steken van onschuldige mensen die daar jaren voor gespaard hebben want ojee, de scholieren krijgen 1040 lesuren. En dat terwijl ze 960 uur al genoeg les vinden met al dat huiswerk dat ze krijgen. Het is zelfs zo erg dat het komt tot Aanhoudingen bij scholierenstaking. Misschien is het tijd om …
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Normally I try to steer clear of any politics, beliefs, or war on this blog, but I could not resist to link to this google video I found, where Arab-American psychologist Wafa Sultan has some strong words to say to (extremist) Muslims on Al-Jazeera. Although broadcast in February 2006, I just noticed it, and I think …
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