Recently there was some kerfuffle about LinkedIn silently changing privacy settings. In fact, they didn't do that "silently", nor was it "recent". Remember that large chunk of text nobody reads with the "Agree" button you clicked on? Those were the new terms, and deeply buried in them was …
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After lies about Dropbox Employees not being able to see your files, then proving that they do not do regression testing on their security, the latest change in terms of service really was the last drop. So I dropped dropbox. I had become dependent on Dropbox to transfer files between my private and work machines, …
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According to Sophos security, the whole world should switch to macs to get rid of the security problems. This would be great for business! Currently I do not order with companies who put up Word or Excel formatted price lists, simply because I can't (and to some extent refuse) open them. In the long run however, this …
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